การแก้กรรมในพุทธปรัชญาเถรวาท Kamma Rectification in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy

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กรฤทธ์ ปัญจสุนทร
สกุล อ้นมา
บุญเลิศ ยองเพ็ชร


The purpose of this thesis is (1) to study the concept of Kamma and Kamma Rectification in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy and (2) to criticize the concept of the Kamma Rectification in Thailand. This thesis is the qualitative thesis conducted by researching the information from the important sacred books of Buddhism including Tripitaka (Buddhist Scriptures), exegesis and related books, journal, articles and theses. The findings of the research reveal that “Kamma” in Buddhism means the action that is caused by the intention, and then it is expressed physically and mentally. Its effects depend on Kamma’s deeds or power. This causes us to be reincarnated as our life is full of desire and we can get rid of the desire by following the Noble Eightfold Path. In Thai culture Thai people relieve their worries by making merit, donating to the temple, joining the religious ceremony, going to a meditation retreat, paying homage to the gods and goddesses, praying and even visiting mediums who can communicate with persons with previous deeds on each other, and etc. This concept of Kamma in Thai society is both contradictory and consistent with the “Kamma” in Buddhist doctrines in which there is the belief that our lives were destined  by previous Kamma and gods. Therefore, people make merit after the Buddhist doctrines. However, they still believe in Kamma rectification. In fact, the Kamma rectification by making merit hasn’t been contradictory with the Kamma in Buddhist doctrines in which current good Kamma can rectify the previous bad Kamma, and such a belief was shown in the exegesis.                      


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