The Study on The Problems and Needs of Packaging for Senior


  • Sukita Hiranyachawalit Faculty of Communication Arts, Bangkok University


        The purpose of this research was to examine problems and issues associated with design of packaging for elderly in order to develop guidelines for designing packaging suitable for the elderly. The research population was over 60 years. The in-depth interview was applied for gathering data. was applied for gathering data. The findings revealed that:

        1. Problems or obstacles on using packaging available in supermarkets or drugstores are that some boxes too small or too big. The product name is difficult to remember for next purchasing. The fonts of product details are too small and font width
is condensed so it is more difficult for reading.    

        2. The features of packaging for self-use are that easy-open packaging; handily packaging and proper size; product name short and easy to read; and font sizes are bigger and more visible.     

        3. Opening packaging for elderly aged between 50 and 59 years should be slide.   

        4. Appropriate fonts and easy-to-read for the elderly aged should be English fonts without base and Thai fonts with cut head. 

        5. Fonts suitable for the elderly aged are that English fonts on white background, white English fonts on dark-color background, Thai fonts on white background and white Thai fonts on dark-color background. Also, the smallest font size should not less than 20 points.

        6. The difference between font colors and background colors appropriate for
the elderly aged should be at least 70%. The most clear and readable colors are white font on black background and white font on dark background, followed by black font on white background and dark-color font on white background and dark font on light background, respectively. Meanwhile, the font colors and background colors with least visibility and easy-to-read are light-color font on black background and light-color font on dark-color background.


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