Creative Journalism Innovation in the Digital Disruption Era of the Thai Mass Media


  • Wiroj Srihirun Faculty of Management Science. Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University


Journalism, Innovation, Creative Journalism, Digital Dissruption, Thai Mass Media


        This research aims to know the creative journalism work, find and analyze new communication styles and characteristics of journalism communication innovations. As well as develop and up- grade the journalism of Thai media to the creative journalism innovation in the digital distribution era. This research is qualitative. Using in-depth interviews with a semi-structured approach with academic samples. Professional people and consumers of journalism media amount 9 people. Data analysis uses interpretations to be presented in descriptive or descriptive style.

        The research results showed that the creative journalism work in the digital distribution era of the Thai media. The majority of the respondents agreed that there is a general characteristic that should focus on “fast, accurate, reliable facts” with all things coming together. The special feature is information journalism. The emphasis should be placed on “new normal news” that requires more concise and clear language. The melting of media journalism should be “targeted melting” as the melting of social news, not quantitative news. The characteristics of creativity in journalism should be the idea of news and news reports from “benefits of society” rather than the interests of society. The digital turnover or the turnaround has clearly resulted in social media 4.0 news and leap forward technology development in journalism, should use drone technology, including the use of artificial intelligence technology as a tool for news reporting more modern.

        The search and analysis of creative journalism innovations in the digital distribution era of the Thai media. Most of the sample groups view that product innovation should create an application that helps prevent fake news, process innovation should be a fusion of journalism in which media consumers should be enthusiastic about driving information together with journalists. Positioning innovation should be a change of position from a correct, credible news organization with a fast and accurate news organization. Paradigm innovations should change the paradigm or paradigm by focusing on news and newspapers.Television changed to a full online news format. And social innovations should be innovations that journalism, media should contribute to change the quality of life of people in society. Social media journalism that focuses on news to help people in society in need.

        The development and upgrade of Thai journalism to innovate creative journalism in the digital distribution era. Most of the respondents think that it should focus on developing content that will benefit all sectors in society. Regardless of which platform. The content should look like “creative content” so it will not be deprived of digital technology. And raising the level of emphasis on creating “literacy for change” for the public, media, and journalism. Expanding the boundary of learning to cover all changes in the media landscape. Both in the digital age, the current distribution and the future.


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