Training Program Development of Artificial Intelligence Skills and Knowledge for Communication for Working Age Personnel


  • Bu-nga Chaisuwan Graduate School of Communication Arts and Management Innovation, National Institute of Development Administration
  • Chachaya Sakuna College of Communication Arts. Rangsit University


Training Program Development, Artificial Intelligence in Communication, Knowledge and Skills of Artificial Intelligence in Communication


        The objective of the research is to develop training program of Artificial Intelligence (AI) skills and knowledge of communication for working Age personnel. This is a qualitative research using focusgroup interview as method of data collection in which 2 groups of 10-12 participants using AI system in works: academic experts and professionals from AI system and communication fields; experts from training course development;  representatives from management and operational level from business sector in Thailand;  entrepreneurs and SME employees; and representatives from management and operational level from public sector.


        The results of the research showed that for each element of The Course Module, in Knowledge Base Module, topics that should be added in the course in order that the business sector can apply to their work include Basic knowledge of AI,  Limitation of AI for communication, Ethics of applying AI for work, and Using AI for marketing communication.


        Additionally, in AI Tool using in marketing communication, regarding to Student Module, the results showed that learners expected the outcome of AI that serve their works relating to policy development, planning and decision, especially for learners in management level while learners in operational level require AI for work process development.   


        In Pedagogical Module, results showed that trainers should be from professionals, business owners or AI experienced people with coaching skills that could share and their work experience in AI for marketing communication. Finally, in Interface Module or Learning Environment, results showed that promoting the course by giving learners certificate could be supportive for the organizations as well as accredit for higher education in universities while using testimonial inspiring people interested in applying the course could be another way of promotion.   


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