What should be the attitude of Buddhists towards Acinteyya?

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พระมหาวนัส กตสาโร
Supakanjana Vichanati


The acinteyya is the subjective nature of the Lord of Buddha thought including contemplative Buddhist vision, contemplative Vegas nature, karma, and the effects of acinteyya ideas. Buddhism said that acinteyya is not the idea that should be considered because we cannot find the answer with rumination. When the subject came up, Buddhists do not dare to criticize and to find answers. Sometimes, when the questions they cannot answer, it is often claimed that the matter was acinteyya, but the matter was not acinteyya.

The principles of Buddhism acinteyya are the idea that can touch and understand by putting more effort in and placing the right attitude. The fact that we quest for the acinteyya cannot just think or guess, we cannot get the answer that way. We can find the answer through education and practice properly. The only way to get to know Buddha nature in detail is to perform acts to enlightenment as the Buddha. People want to read the other minds; people are aware of a practice of meditation and contemplation. If people must achieve the contemplation of the mind, people have to study the effects of karma and retribution. The world will know Jinta, people would have to study the teachings on cosmology such as the recipe Akkad. However, Buddhism does not aim to find the best acinteyya. Buddhism focuses on compliance with the 8 extrication for enlightenment, because the practice is to achieve the noble, it will put no doubt on these matters on their own.

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How to Cite
กตสาโร พ., & Vichanati, S. (2020). What should be the attitude of Buddhists towards Acinteyya?. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 4(2), 68–86. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/246220
Academic Article


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