Training of Moral Clinic Group Course for Youth Morality Development

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Phra Attapol Thongsong
Niran Chullasap
Charas Atiwithayaporn


The purposes of this research were to study 1) Level of moral ethics among adolescent students attending Clinic Group course of morality. 2) Compare the moral and ethical aspects of the adolescent students receiving the training moral Clinic Group Course Pre- and post-training phases. The sample size was determined by using
Mathayomsuksa 1-3 students who attended the Moral Clinic group couse at Phu Khao Long temple during the 20 20 academic year, 100 people by a purpossive sampling. The instrument used for the data collection was a questionnaire with the reliability were. 761. The results of the study were as follows : 1. Morality and ethics of the youth who attended the Clinic Group course overall, it was at a moderate level. When considered individually, it was found that it was also at a moderate level. The descending mean is as follows: The aspect of gratitude. Discipline, self-awareness, harmony and respectively. 2. The youth who attend Clinic Group course before and
after attending the training. When testing the difference of mean score, t-test. There was a statistically significant difference at the 0.01 level with the mean scores of the post-training period. Higher than the average score of youth students prior to training.

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