An Analysis of the concept of Sangha’s Act, 2505 B.E. that influenced on the development of Thai society

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Phrabaidika Katavoot kavasakatammo


In this article, an attempt was purposely made to study the concept of Sangha’s Act, 2505 B.E. and to analyze it that influenced upon the development of Thai society. This is a documentary study done by studying books and related articles. The study showed that the Sangha’s Act is the essential factor in the management of Sangha organization where patronage and protection of Buddhism including Sangha administration would be expected leading to the propagation of Buddhism resulting in the development of mind and wisdom whereby the Sangha’s protection of the Order and Dhamma could be properly made.
As far as the analysis of the mentioned Act is concerned, it is found that in the development of Thai society the later development and amendment of the Act are principally depended upon it as the primary source. In this respect, it is conditioned that the Sangha’ Act, a revised version of 2535 B.E. appears in the Section of fifteen ter (1) and (3) and (5) of Supreme Sangha Council Order, a version of 23 (2541 B.E.) that “Sangha’ s Activities” comprise of obligation or duty concerning with the protection good order, administration, ordination (rule), controlling, and promotion of education, public education, propagation of Buddhism, public welfare, and public support. Since then, such Sangha’s six obligations prescribed by the law turn to become the Sangha’s important mechanism in the development of Thai society both in mind and materiality.

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Academic Articles


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