An Analytical Study of the educational styles of monks in the Present Thai Society: A case study of a monk studying at a university

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Panisa Jindanuluck


This article aims to study the educational styles of monks in Buddhism and to study and analyze cases of secular monks from the study found that the education of the Thai clergy of every age and every period will have 2 types of education which are Ganthadhura and Vipassanadhura. With the goal of 1. Achieving the highest moral values in Buddhism This item is considered as a target which is a direct insight business study. Or known as personal benefit That is to achieve the ultimate goal Do not want to swim again Achieving Nirvana 2. Maintaining and inheriting religious stability in this article, it is a tool that will benefit society and the majority of the public. From the above model, in the case of monks studying worldly Is a study in the style of a torpedo in order to create novice monks to have a better understanding of Buddhism, as well as other religious and academic principles This will help to maintain the Buddhism and bring the Dhamma to spread peace to the people with stability forever.

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