Quitting smoking by Buddhadhamma

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PhraSurasak Tuwasero (Maliwan)
Phramaha Adidej Sativaro


This article was written by reviewing quit smoking literatures. The objectives were to study the transtheoretical model (stage of change model), to study the Buddha-dhamma principles to stop smoking, and to apply the stage of change model for behavioral change of the trainees in order for them to practice the dhamma principles to stop smoking by themselves. The Theravada Buddhism dhamma for stopping smoking here was the Satipatana meditation, from the beginning for having skill in meditation and mindfulness to control their bodies and emotions and to develop endurance and effort consciously and meditatively to give up cigarettes’ intake. Moreover, for developing their abilities to change smoking behavior by applying Prochaska’s the stage of change model for stop smoking behavior integrating with Satipatana meditation practice for consciousness and contemplation (meditation) self-training and to control their behaviors and emotions, and to enhance endurance and effort to reduce the cigarettes intakes greed and finally give up cigarettes.

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