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Phrakhrupothisutatorn Udom Abhivadhano


In this article, an attempt was purposely made to discuss the faith and wisdom in terms of its meaning, what one should believe, characteristic, cause of faith, significance, kinds of faith and faith as the means to cross the wheel of rebirth. Generally, the word ‘faith’ appears in various kinds of Dhamma meaning that the faith consisting in wisdom where such wisdom become the base of faith due to its existence with it. With respect to the significance of faith, it serves as the first ladder upon which the expected goal or the ultimate goal is depended in Buddhism. In this matter the Buddha said that ‘those who want to listen to Dhamma should release their faith, I already opened the gate of the Noble Dhamma’. What is suitable to the faith refers to Triple Gems because they serve as the best guidelines leading to the cessation of suffering. Here there are two characteristics of faith: 1) it makes mind pure, and 2) it leads feeling smoothly. Four bases of faith are found as follows: 1) Rupapamănikă; it is caused by seeing forms, 2) Lukhappamănikă; it is caused by agreement in what is antique, 3) Ghosuppamănikă; it is caused by sound, and 4) Dhammappănikă; it is caused by Dhamma. As regards the faith used to cross the wheel of rebirth where the ocean of defilements, sensual pleasure, plane, view and ignorance are regarded as the wheel of rebirth. In order to cross this, one should have the proper tool and the required tool, as recommended by Buddhism, is to plant the faith and wisdom in the Triple Gems and thereby bringing about the end of the above-mentioned wheel of rebirth.

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