The Eight Gurudhamma: The cause of the disappearance of Theravada Bhikkhuni

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Prateepden Veskavee


This article is the study of the famous book, It Happen in B.E. One, Vol.I and Vol.II by Venerable Mettanandho Bhikku, and viewpoints of the author. Especially the viewpoints of Gurudhamma and the disappearance of Theravada Bhikkuni, in which Buddhism is interpreted and explained through scientific frameworks. In the case of The Eight Gurudhamma is the cause of the disappearance of Theravada Bhikkhuni, the author ahows that The Eight Gurudhamma is not the words of the Buddha. It happens after the increase of bhikkhuni by the powerful bhikkhu at that time, which regard and treat bhikkhuni as a mere adjunct of man, with an aim to eliminate Theravada Bhikkhuni. This article studies the viewpoint of the author and the other educators in three points. 1. The Eight Gurudhamma and the word of the Buddha. 2. Feminism in Theravada Buddhism. 3. The cause of the disappearance of Theravada Bhikkhuni after the parinibbana of the Buddha. From the viewpoint of many educators show the reasons to argue the interpretations of the author, the fault in which Buddhism is interpreted and explained through scientific frameworks, such as, Einstein’s theory of relativity and Mahapadesa, the status and the roles played by the women during the Buddha’s life and feminism, also the historic reason to assist the disappearance of Theravada Bhikkhuni after the parinibbana of the Buddha. Significantly, the reason of many educators reduces the weight to rely on the interpretation of the author. Absolutely, the interpretation of the author not to be in line with the Tipitaka. Therefore, The Eight Gurudhamma is the words of the Buddha, and is not exactly the cause of the disappearance of Theravada Bhikkhuni.

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