The Effect of Meditation toward Brain Functions, Immune System or DNA

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Pachrakorn Tiprungkorn


This article entitled to study the concept of the Meditation in Buddhist canons, to analyze the Meditation toward Brain Functions, Immune System or DNA. This is a qualitative research done by studying academic documents. In the research, it was found that Brahma Vihara in the Sutra is prayed for all beings to bring peace to the giver and the receiver. In addition, the practice of compassion in the Brahmānāsāna in the Visuttimakka is still able to see most of the similarities. Some of the procedures are different, but it can be considered in the same direction. From the research, it can be seen that the practice can increase the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, and insula in the brain. Gamma brainwaves found higher while experts were practicing meditation. This gamma brainwave is related to the intelligence of each person. The effects of the practice on the immune system, it was found that after the 8 weeks of training period, the vaccination against influenza showed significantly higher antibodies than the control group. In addition, when studying the effects of compassion at the cellular and DNA levels, the results show that it is astounding that the operator has longer Telomere DNA in the control group and has more Telomerase enzymes in the control group. This is an important factor that makes the body and skin of the meditation practitioners always look bright and young.

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Academic Articles


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