Kasibhãradavãjasutta : A Wise Buddhist Method of Teaching

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Phrakrusatitpattanatorn (Chong Tangyou)


It is believed that the significant aspect of analogy in teaching is very essential which is used by the Buddha by means of comparing His teaching and farmer’s equipment including environmental atmospheres of that field. In this matter, the important teachings such as faith, wisdom and effort have had been used to teach Brahmaṇa, Kasibhãradavãja so that he could realize the true value of life. As far as the Buddhist methods of teaching are concerned, they should be taken into a careful consideration and practice. Those methods are as follows: 1) This refers to the clear-cut method of explanation through analogy and in this story it means the farmer’s equipment comparing with method of teaching in Buddhism, 2) This means persuasive ways of teaching for practice, the way in planting rice into the field is compared with methods of teaching, 3) It refers to encouragement through analogical way comparing water with making effort, if one follows it then one could expect its desirable result, 4) It refers to the comfortability for making one’s mind cheerful, this could be seen when the Buddha pointed out the way in putting an end to suffering which is the ultimate goal in Buddhism and this is compared with the outcome gained from the perfect field of Brahmaṇa, Kasibhãradavãja.

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