Thai Monks’ Rhetoric for Buddhism Propagate

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Phramaha Chuchai Cirasuttho (Dhammutis)


This thematic paper entitled “Thai Monks’ Rhetoric for Buddhism Propagate” has two objectives: to study how important of rhetoric for Buddhism propagate. The method of the research is the documental research and the descriptive method of the research in the form by analyzing the essence from the Three Baskets.
The research findings were rhetoric for Buddhism propagate consists 4 key elements; Source, Message, Channel and Receiver. All element has to promote in harmony. The essence of the Rhetoric for Buddhism propagates upon the degree of take care of the source to select the verbal.He speaks with charity and right speech; therefore, they will be beneficial rhetoric. On the contrary, the wrong speech will bring the trouble to oneself and social; moreover, the crisis which affect to the people are happened.

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