Criticism of Buddhist art through the concept of moralism

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Phrasamu Adirek Âdiccabalo


This article entitled to study the concept of moralism and to criticize of Buddhist art through the concept of moralism. In the research, it was found that Plato and Leo Tolstoy were considered to be morals and were related to the relationship between art and morality. In moralism, art should be examined by moral norms. Should Buddhist art be evaluated based on moral norms? Or just an art created from Buddhist content, also known as "Buddhist art". I agreed with the moral principles that Buddhist art can have a direct moral impact. Therefore, Buddhist art should be evaluated based on moral norms. The Buddhist art is not insignificant to humanity, Buddhist commerce and are harmful to society. True Buddhist art should communicate with the audience in a sense of unity with Buddhist morals. There is many thought and sincerity in the art. It called the Buddhist art. It differs from the other art to copy the Buddhist art. They shouldn't be mentioned and worshiping.


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