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Phramaha Vattana Pannateepo


This article entitled to study the teaching of insight knowledge the Buddha's period and to study the teaching of insight knowledge the post-Buddha's period. This is a qualitative research done by studying academic documents. In the research, it was found that meditation has been in the Buddha era until now, divided into 3 periods as follows: Vipassana, according to the meaning of the Lord Buddha, means the insight and insight in the Khandha as Tilakkhana. There is Vipassana meaning which is mind and matter together without the ego. It called Yathabhutannadassana. The Holy One must keep carry on in order to gain insight which is a high level called "Niphitha” "Viraga" until they can get enlightenment. In post-Buddha period, meditation in the meaning of Sangitigajarn is compiled into a category of explanations by adding a description of the fourty Vipassana described by Sariputrathera in the PatthaputtanaMakka. After that, PhrabhuddhaKosajarn maked the order about Khandha and Visuddhi in Vipassanayana to clearly see the process and development based on Tilakkhana. He has created a standard for examining the practice of Vipassana in accordance with the attainment of Dharma by the Paccavekkhana for self-enlightment.

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Academic Articles


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