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Jiruttigan Sinlapasuwan


This article aims at two main purposes (1) to study the Dhamma of Anupubbikathā 5 steps (2) to study using the Anupuphphiktha 5 steps for developing the quality of life of Buddhists. Using the five-step analysis, the five steps to improve the quality of life of Buddhists. The results of the study found that the Anupubbikathā is a very important preaching teachings that the Buddha taught the sermon is a 5-step order to clean the dispositions of human beings (human) to be thoroughly layers. (4) The erotic words that depict the sun are the blame of the erotic. (5) The words that depict the sun. Nokkham Mahasat the words that describe the virtues of the Sagittarius. Is out of erotic. The development of their quality of life according to the sequence in 5 steps of Anupubbikatha in their daily live. In the first step, they should give the materials, money, love, kindness or best wishes and forgive for everybody with every situation. Then it is to improve the quality of life for the step 2 is to maintain the 5 precepts, to improve the quality of life for the step 3 is enjoying of happiness in this world and happier with heaven in the future, as we know as there is paradise in heaven 6 floors, etc. When the need to improve the quality of life higher than step 3 to step 4, it is considered that the impermanence of erotic pleasure and can develop the mind to step 5 is exiting of erotic activities. Then they can pay mind to thriving at each degree. They can achieve happiness in life as well as the highest quality of life. This means Buddhists reach your goal. And the mind has to grow up and develop in a four Noble Truths and the results attained nirvana respectively.

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