An analysis study of Loving-Kindness as the base of Fraternity

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Satira Racharin


This research aims to offer Loving-Kindness that is the base of Fraternity by studying the anger that is an emotional nature of human’s birth. The anger or dissatisfaction is the violent emotion which can lead human to devastation such as war and terrorism. First of all, the anger will arise in human beings’ mind which frustrated one felling. Then, frustration must be vented out by one rude speech. Since heartedness is humans’ selfish source, it can lead humans to quarreling and attacking others. The anger can be disposed by being merciful (non-hated) and freeing from enmity and danger. Giving best wish to others, forgiving for antagonists and intending to do goodness and goodwill to all beings. Thus, while humans’ metal anger is being get rid of by behaving non-hated, humanity will be caused based on kind-hared. Mercifulness is the basis of forming a goodwill and good relationship. This study thus contributes that heatedness can be eliminated by Loving-Kindness (being kind-hearted) which is essential to the coexistence of human beings and thus have access to the Fraternity.
Keywords: Loving-Kindness, Fraternity, The anger

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Academic Articles


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