Phramahākaccāyana: Interpretation The Semantic of Buddha Words in Mathupiṇḍhika Sutta along with Desanāhāra

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Phra Jaroenphong Dhammateepo
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Somcha i Srinog


Interpretation on The Semantics of Buddha Words in Mathupiṇḍhika Sutta along with Desanāhāra has aims to study its processes and case study. The results were found that it is the characteristics to explain it by providing the groups of Dhamma. There are 1) Assāda is the pleased Dhamma, 2) Ādīnava is the fearful penality, 3) Nissaraṇa is the cause of overcoming the suffer, 4) Phala is the fruits or usages, 5) Upāya is the ways to cessation or extinction of suffer, and 6) Āṇatti is the rules supporting for group of Dhamma to practice in daily life. It is said by Mahakaccana who was perfectly the best on expression and made it clear. It was written in Nettipakaraṇa.The semantics from Buddhadhamma were interpreted along avirh Desanāhāra by Mahākaccāyana as follows : 1) Feelings on the six organs of body are the pleasant phenomena. 2) The pleasant in the emotions coming from the six organs of body is attached, so it is the spoiled penality. 3) The knowledge or recognization truly on the six ogans of body, so it is resolution as the causes of suffer extinction. 4) The person’s mind is not taken over by Papañcasaññā, so it is the peaceful fruits. 5) The procedure of rocognization is the process leading to the end of suffer and 6) A person is not pleased and not grab the emotion, otherwise, his discipline controls his mind, it is Ānatti.

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