An Educational Philosophy of Buddhadãsa Bhikkhu: An Analysis of its Relevance to the Online Social Media Age

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Gatesarin buttra
Phramaha Maggavin Purisuttamo


The research entitled ‘An educational philosophy of Buddhadãsa bhikkhu: an analysis of its relevance to the online social media age’ was purposely made to critically analyze the relevance of the concept of Buddhadãsa bhikkhu’s philosophy of education in the era of social online media. This research employed the documentary research methodology. it was found that when it comes the concept of Buddhadãsa bhikkhu’s philosophy of education, four aspects are relevant to philosophy of education in the era of social online media: 1) learning is aiming at empowering the learners to solve daily life, 2) education is regarded as the basis or social skills whereby man can be perfected. What is irrelevant is of the following ones: 1) on the one hand, Buddhadãsa bhikkhu’s the concept of education lays great emphasis on uplifting man over the instinct resulting in putting an end to the concept of ‘I’ and ‘mine’, on the other hand, the concept of education in the era of social online media is prioritized on the concept of self and occupation leading to satisfying more individual and social needs than the ideal of manhood, 2) according to Buddhadãsa bhikkhu’s view, the ideal education is to develop man’s wisdom by which individual suffering could be got rid of. Although, the morality in living together is mentioned, yet it is just claimed that one who follows morality would succeed in doing it no matter what a work is, whereas the occupational skills are required to suit the social and economic systems so as to solve certain problems precipitated by such social or economic systems.

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