Ton Nao Lullaby: The Community Way and Belief of Ban Khlong Bor Saen Villagers

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Boonchat Mekkaeo
Tawatchai Jitwarin


          Ton Nao is a well-known name among local people and the influence of the use of language that comes with religion along with immigration. Ton Nao is a perennial plant that looks like a palm and has a strange appearance from other plants, namely, the peduncle stalk and the fruit stalk are separated from each other. From the past to the present, Ban Khlong Bor Saen villagers have utilized almost every part of Ton Nao in many ways. From the study of the values of Ton Nao, it was found that 1) the occupational value: Villagers have been working and making use of Ton Nao through wisdom by processing them into products, such as nectar, syrup, palm sugar, etc., 2) the value of handicrafts and textiles. To be processed into products such as the stems are used to make wickerwork, the leaves are sewn into the thatch, brooms or brushes, and the peduncle stalks and the fruit stalks are used to make ropes and furniture. Especially the current peduncle stalks can be separated into threads for weaving and sewing, and 3) the value of tourism and learning resources: Ton Nao is now widely known and interested through various media channels. It has been promoted and supported by both public and private sectors. Community enterprise group has been established to become learning center and tourist attractions, especially the areas of Bang Toei and Bor Saen Sub-district. In addition, the belief and ideology based on the agricultural society from generation to generation on the community way of the villagers of Ban Khlong Bor Saen point to wisdom and fun at work. Although the belief in singing lullaby has no more evident, due to the changing factors of society and lack of knowledge, but the dress style of villagers can be seen on the way of Ban Khlong Bo Saen community.

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