An Analysis on Reducing Defilements in Vatthupama Sutta

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Nualnapha Yukuntapornpong
Phramaha Adidej Stiwaro


This article was purposely made to study upakilesa in Sutta Piṭaka, reduction of upakilesa in Vattupana Sutta and then analyzing its reduction in Vattupana Sutta. This research is qualitative research using document research together including in-depth interviews and participatory observation. The research results showed that: 1) there are more than 16 precepts of defilements in the Sutta Piṭaka. In some suttas, there are more or less than 16, all of which refer to reducing, relinquishing, and giving up defilements that are harmful to oneself and others, 2) the abandonment of desires is like a dyer putting dirty clothes and clean clothes into the dyeing water, there will be different results as if the mind being without defilements would have only happiness, and 3) in analyzing the reduction of defilements in Vattupana Sutta through a health camp project based on the principles of Dhamma medicine at Suonpanaboon, Pathum Thani province, it suggested that those who have been properly trained could reduce and relinquish greed, anger, and delusion among the 16 defilements even more. When put into practice and the benefits obtained from the research, they are of: 1) reduction of defilement could be made, 2) its results gained from the methods for reducing desires according to the materialistic principles in the health camp program according to the principles of Dharma Medicine, Suonpanaboon Pathum Thani Province could be pointed out, and 3) it could be served as a guideline to reduce defilements according to the materialistic principle for Buddhists to reduce, abandon, greed, anger, delusion, divided by groups of 16 defilements that are the root cause of suffering from diseases and bad things resulting in providing more sustainable happiness.

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