Comparative study of property management according to religious principles: A case study of the Sajja Sasomsap Group, Wat Phai Lom, Trat Province. with Kasikorn Khok Wat Development Credit Union Cooperative Limited, Prachinburi Province

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Phrakhru Supajarasopit Boonyuen Subhācāro
Sawaeng Nilnama
Praves Intongpan


This research has the following objectives: 1) To study property management according to Buddhist principles of the Sajja Samasap Group, Wat Phai Lom. 2) To study property management according to Christian principles of Kasikorn Khok Wat Credit Union Cooperative Limited. and 3) to compare property management according to Buddhist principles of the Sajja Sasomsap Wat Phai Lom group with property management according to Christian principles of the Kasikorn Khok Wat Credit Union Cooperative Limited. This research employed the documentary research methodology and in-depth interviews. It was found that 1. Principles of property management according to Buddhist principles of the Sajja Sasomsap Wat Phai Lom group. There is a group management principle, which is to use the principles of Buddhist economics, which is to bring in the principles of Dhamma to help solve various problems, adhering to the principle of equality. There is a central measure of administration. It is participatory management, including houses and temples, by jointly thinking, jointly doing, jointly developing, jointly solving problems, adhering to the management principles of sharing, helping, generosity, learning process together, transparent and verifiable. 2. Principles of property management according to Christian principles of the Kasikorn Khok Wat Credit Union Cooperative Limited include: 1) Principles of democracy by opening general membership voluntarily. 2) Principles of membership by allocation of results. Benefits to members and 3) social goals is social responsibility.3. Compare property management according to Buddhist principles of the Sajja Samasasap Wat Phai Lom group with property management according to Christian principles of the Kasikorn Khok Wat Credit Union Cooperative Limited. When comparing the principles, methods, ideologies, and results of the two groups, the characteristics are very similar. Both management groups were successful by using religious principles to anchor the minds of members to have morality. Members can help themselves and society.

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