The Organizational Commitment Development of Supporting Officer in Silpakorn University
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This Article aimed to study (1) the components of organizational commitment of supporting officer in Silpakorn University, (2) the guidelines for developing organizational commitment of supporting officer in Silpakorn University and (3) the confirmation results of the guidelines for developing organizational commitment of supporting officer in Silpakorn University. The sample was 274 respondents. They were selected by supporting officers in Silpakorn University. The instrument for collecting data were 1) an opinionnaire, 2) an unstructured interview, and 3) a questionnaire to confirm the guidelines for developing organizational commitment of supporting officer in Silpakorn University. Analise data by frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standards deviation, exploratory factor analysis, and content analysis. The research results were found as follows; 1 The components of organizational commitment of supporting officer in Silpakorn University consisted of seven aspects: 1) Loyalty and Dedication to work 2) Appropriate welfare and benefits 3) Trust towards and delegation of work 4) Performance quality and Transparency 5) The values and management of the organization 6) Corporate image and proud in the organization and 7) Facilities and Safety. 2 The guidelines for developing organizational commitment of supporting officer in Silpakorn University composted of seven aspects and fifty-six procedures. 3 The confirmation of guidelines for developing organizational commitment of supporting officer in Silpakorn University were accuracy, appropriately, feasibility, and utility.
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