The Business Ethics Sale Online in Buddhist and Muslim: A Case Study of Bangchalong Sub-District, Samutprakarn Province

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Lalimada Srichamroon
Naddhira Sridee
Praves Intongpan


This Research Article has the Objective. 1) To Study Online Selling Concepts in the Current Situation. 2) To Study Business Ethics in Online Sales in Theravada Buddhism and Islam. 3) The Business Ethics Sale Online in Buddhist and Muslim: A Case Study of Bangchalong Sub-District, Samutprakarn Province. This research employed the documentary research methodology and in-depth interviews. It was found that 1) The Concept of Online Selling in the Current Situation is The Application of Internet Media in Conducting Business. It Uses the Internet as a Medium for Collecting the Products of Buyers and Sellers on a Website. Or Platform. To Facilitate Trading contacts, it is a Quick Response to the Needs of Buyers. You can also Compare Prices and Services from Various Stores to Help Make Purchasing Decisions. 2) A Study of Business Ethics in Online Sales in Theravada Buddhism and Islam. It was Found that Business Operations in Theravada Buddhism Focus on Principles of Professional Conduct. That is, Working Without Harming Others to Train the Behavior of Those Who Work to Adhere to Goodness as the Main Principle Islamic Business Operations Focus on Honesty Because it is an Important Variable for Success in Every Matter, Especially in Doing Business, it Creates Credibility with Buyers. 3) A Comparative Study of the Online Sales Business Ethics of Buddhists and Muslims: A Case Study of Bangchalong Sub-District, Samutprakarn Province. It was Found the There was Consistency in Terms of Honesty. Because Honesty Creates Credibility for Yourself. The Difference is That When Selling Products to Muslims, The Qualifications for Selling are Clearly Specified: 1) The Product is Clear, Indicating Complete Details of the Product. 2) The Product Pirce is Clear. 3) Offering and Accepting 4) It is Ownership, Possession, and Authority over Goods.

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