A Pattern in Forming Ideology and Network of Buddhist Monks from the Cultural Tourism at Four Holy Places of Buddhism

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Phramaha Khwanchai Hemprapai
Phradhammavajiramuni (Boonchit Yanesangvaro)
Sawaeng Nilnama
Krit Sriya-ad
Khongsaris Pangthrap
Phramaha Mongkholkan Thitadhammo
Phra Woraponte Varadhammo (Tanpoonkiat)
Dhammaadhisthana Pornbandalchai


This research article aims: 1) to study the process in forming the ideology and network, 2) to study cultural tourism at four holy places of Buddhism, and 3) to propose a model in forming the ideology and network from four holy places of Buddhism. This is qualitative research done by studying documentaries and in-depth interview of 40 people comprising of Buddhist scholars, Buddhist missionaries, and Buddhist pilgrims. In the research, it was found that the process in forming the ideology and network consists of the procession of building relationship through the creation of mutual goodness to each other and the utilization of religious symbols in preserving the ideology, building certain pagoda and dwelling-place, for instance, in order to remind people of the significance of such ideology whereby the support of network would be sustained. As regards the cultural tourism at four holy places of Buddhism, two types of travel were considerably found:  the first is pilgrimage for the benefit of others, the second for the gradual putting an end to defilement. As far as the pilgrimage to four holy places of Buddhism is concerned, it includes the following places, birth, enlightenment, sermon, and passing away. Of these places, they are interconnected reflecting on four kinds of formation on ideology and network: the inspiration on emotion or faith, critical thinking leading to the ultimate reality, exchanging experiencing, providing benefit for others, sacrificing and living simple life, and physical aspect bringing about the protection of Buddhism and culture in living together correspondingly.

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Research Article


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