The Paradigm of Educational Administration

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Banlang Mongklkumnualkhet
Prasert Intarak


This study was documentary research on the paradigm of educational administration. The findings were summarized as follows. Paradigm and its application aids in educational administration paradigm. The theory provides profound insights into the adaptability and interconnectedness between paradigm and the contextual framework of educational administration. The concept of Chaos theory facilitates a profound comprehension of the phenomenon of shifting paradigm during periods of volatility and uncertainty. The COVID-19 pandemic has served as a catalyst for transforming educational administration paradigm during the transition to the era of New Normal. It has also accelerated various megatrends, leading to a significant digital disruption as digital technologies have become integral in facilitating socially distanced lifestyles. The concept of a New Normal leadership is an emerging idea that has been developed to emphasize the importance of adaptability and flexibility in facing challenges in the New Normal era. The VUCA framework serves as a tool for explaining the educational landscape in the new normal, providing an understanding of the context relevant to educational administration and the paradigms that occur during this time period. While the distinction between the characteristics of resilience and flexibility is a significant aspect in understanding the evolving landscape of educational leadership in the new normal era.

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