An Analysis of Literature appreciation in Prabarommathadkamkorn legend by Sanskrit Literature Theory

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phatchara rujiranun


This research aims to analyze the aesthetic expressions found in the local literature “The Legend of Prabarommathadkamkorn,” following the principles of Sanskrit literary theory, using a qualitative methodology that examines documents, books, and related research studies. The study reveals that the aesthetic of wonder, or Adbhutarasa, which is associated with feelings of astonishment and marvel, is the most prominent in the narrative, as the author seeks to imbue the Buddhist legend with a sense of sanctity and reverence. This is achieved through linking the stories of Princess Hemma Chala with Prince Than Tha Kumarn, his royal sibling, along with King Sri Thammasokarat and Princess Lued Kao, to supernatural phenomena such as the storm quelled by the miraculous powers of a Naga king, which eventually calms due to the Buddha’s relics’ sanctity. This event marks the inception of the construction of the Great Stupa – Nakhon Si Thammarat. By incorporating all nine aesthetic expressions into the legend, the author ensures its persistence in society and accentuates the significance of the Great Stupa - Nakhon Si Thammarat, making it stand out more prominently. The legend’s influence extends to the present era, fostering cultural tourism, as contemporary society leverages the legend to highlight the Great Stupa - Nakhon Si Thammarat as a key Buddhist pilgrimage site and cultural tourist destination.

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