The Dhamma-seats, The Buddhist Scriptures Boxes, The Lanna Traditional Altars (Sattaphan): The Preservation of Identity, Values, and the Management of the National Cultural-Wisdom Heritage by the Communities in Lanna

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Phra Nakorn Pragnrit
Phra Tippanakorn Laolee
Phra Theethat Jaejai
Prateep Peuchthonglanglang


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the history, significance, and value of Dhamma seats, Buddhist scriptures boxes, and Lanna traditional altars (Sattaphan); 2) to examine the form of Dhamma seats, Buddhist scriptures boxes, and Lanna traditional altars (Sattaphan); and 3) to explore the mechanisms of identity preservation and management of national cultural-wisdom heritage employed by communities in Lanna. The study was a qualitative research approach, utilizing document research alongside field surveys, interviews, and group discussions. A total of 60 temples comprised of 20 temples in each province participated in the study. The key informants comprised 30 representatives, including monks, community leaders, local scholars, Lanna craftsmen, and scholars of Buddhism, arts, and culture, selected through purposive sampling based on specific criteria. Three research tools - field surveys, interviews, and group discussions - were employed. Subsequently, the obtained data underwent analysis and synthesis, resulting in categories, academic seminars, and descriptive reports. The results of the research were as follows: 1) Dhamma seats served as platforms for monks to deliver sermons, but Buddhist scripture boxes functioned as containers for storing Palm leaf scriptures documenting Buddhist stories such as Tripitaka, teachings, Chataka, legends, virtues, and texts. Lanna traditional altars (Sattaphan) were candlestick platforms with seven cascading peaks, used for lighting candles as Buddhist offerings, positioned in front of the presiding Buddha in Chanting halls, Ordination halls, and Chedis. These altars were constructed from ornamental plants with diverse art patterns reflecting Lanna’s craftsmanship. 2) Dhamma seats exhibited three types: (1) castle top shape, (2) castle shape with the roof cut without a top, and (3) high base conical type. Dhamma boxes comprised two types: (1) Dhamma boxes type and (2) Dhamma casket type. The latter included three sub-types: castle shape, Lung shape, and square shape. Lanna traditional altars (Sattaphan) comprised six types: (1) triangle, (2) square, (3) pentagonal, (4) semicircular arch, (5) glass staircase, and (6) pillar. 3) Mechanisms for identity preservation and management of national cultural-wisdom heritage employed by communities in Lanna included (1) cultural-wisdom heritage management, (2) people management, (3) learning space management, and (4) network management.

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Research Article
Author Biography

Prateep Peuchthonglanglang, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna : 128 Huay Kaew Road, Muang, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 50300

B.A. (Psychology), M.A. (Educational Psychology and Guidance), Ph.D. (Buddhist Studies)


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