Bhaya-bherava Sutta: Fear Management by Buddhist Methods
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This academic article explains about fear management by Buddhist methods. Fear is the primary emotion of human being all ages. When human feels fear in something, he reacts in many ways. If there is abundant fear in one’s mind, it may be impact to his mind in bad way and will result in his daily life. There are many ways to manage scare. One of them is the method which Buddha recommended human in Bhaya-bherava Sutta. The results of the study were found that: Bhaya-bherava Sutta was the Sutta in Majjhima-Nikaya Mulapannasaka which Buddha explained the 16 causes of fear and he also described the 16 causes of fearlessness, those were the opposite of the causes of fear. In addition, Buddha said that since he was not yet enlightened; if he had felt fear in any posture, he had continued to remain in that posture until the fear was eliminated. To accomplish great deeds with mindfulness, Buddha’s mind was concentrated, up to the point that he attained the four jhanas and the three vijjas respectively. The one who pursues this model as a guideline for living with good quality of daily life, he can reduce or get rid of fear appropriately. If he carries on life according to this guideline, he can develop his mind up to the 4 jhanas and he will finally attain the 3 vijjas. Ultimately, his mind will be liberated from all defilements which is called nibbana or absolutely end of suffering or dukkha.
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