The Route of Buddhism Propagation in Dvaravati Civilization

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Penphan Fuangfooloy
Phrapalad Somporn Kittisobhano
PhrapaladKhetkhan Issaro


This Article aimed to study: 1) To study the path of the propagation of Buddhism in the Dvaravati civilization. 2) To synthesize information on the study of the path of the propagation of Buddhism in the Dvaravati civilization. 3) To present the results of the study of the path of the propagation of Buddhism in the Dvaravati civilization. This research is qualitative research, using methods of conducting research through surveys, interviews, subgroup seminars, and knowledge exchange activities. with specialized informants from the provinces of Suphan Buri, Kanchanaburi, Nakhon Pathom, and Ratchaburi. The research findings reveal that; The dissemination routes of Buddhism in the Dvaravati culture can be traced along communities located on the global trade route between China and India, with rivers such as the Mae Klong River, Tawin River, Maenam Jorakhae Samphan, Thawa River, and Tha Chin River serving as main routes for trade contact and the dissemination of Buddhism to indigenous people. Thailand has only recently begun studying the traces of the Dvaravati culture for about 140 years. The community of Ban Don Ta Phet is considered a significant historical cradle, transmitting its heritage to the ancient city of U Thong. It represents the development of Dvaravati culture along with the influx of language, arts, culture, Buddhism, and trade networks linking the exchange of goods, with Khu Bua being a significant port town with transportation through rivers such as the Mae Klong River, Tawin River, Thawa River, and Tha Chin River. The evidence of the movement of Buddhism in the Dvaravati culture can be presented through the dissemination routes of Buddhism in the Dvaravati culture, divided into the pre-Dvaravati era, early Dvaravati era, middle Dvaravati era, and late Dvaravati era, following the model of dissemination routes of Buddhism in the Dvaravati culture, and disseminated to ongoing learning organizations.

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