The Archeological design of Dvaravati civilization in Suphanburi province
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This Article aimed to study: 1. To study the historical archaeological map of Dvaravati Civilization. 2. To enhance the design of the archaeological map of Dvaravati Civilization that influenced the area of Suphan Buri Province. 3. To analyze the spatial archaeological map of Dvaravati Civilization in Suphan Buri Province. This research is qualitative research. The methods employing surveys, interviews, subgroup seminars, and knowledge exchange activities. The research area includes the ancient cities of Utong, Khu Mueang, Nong Ratchawat, and Ban Nong Jaeng. The research findings are as follows: 1) All four archaeological sites, including Utong, Khu Mueang, Nong Ratchawat, and Ban Nong Jaeng, have sufficient archaeological evidence. Utong is the only ancient city with enough evidence to study the Thavaravadi period archaeological map in Suphanburi province. 2) The layout of the archaeological maps influences the community's livelihood. Utong has developed into an urban society, engaging in international trade and serving as a center for commerce and religion. It exhibits a blend of Indian-style art. The archaeological sites and artifacts found in Utong represent Thavaravadi-era craftsmanship, showcasing architectural diversity. 3) Utong's city layout is roughly rectangular and somewhat circular, with one side adjacent to a river, surrounded by moats and earthworks. No evidence of residential structures was found; mostly, there are pagoda bases or small brick structures, both inside and outside the city walls. This indicates that the ancient community was dispersed.
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