Strategies of Language Use and Persuasion in Supplementary Product for Beautiful Skin Advertisement

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Chen Ziyu
Thanapaporn Hongthong
Apiwat Suthamdee


The purposes of this study were as follows: 1. To study strategies for using language in advertisements for dietary supplements for beautiful skin. 2. To analyze persuasion strategies in advertisements for dietary supplements for beautiful skin. Using the concept of language analysis 1. Theory of language uses strategies and pragmatics by dividing the analysis into 2 areas: verbal and nonverbal.  2. Persuasion strategies the analysis is divided into 2 points: the rational side and the emotional side. The results of the research found that: 1. The theory of language uses strategies and pragmatics 2. Use of words to express the properties of dietary supplements 3. Use of text to describe details in sentences 4. Use of words to describe skin characteristics 5. Using words to describe skin characteristics that people do not wish for. 6. Use of phrases and sentences in a casual and intentional manner 7. Use of metaphors 8. Reference of scientific data 9. Use of scripts nonverbal there are 3 types of products: 1. Using product images It is a visual representation of the products offered for sale. 2. The use of color in advertising that attracts consumers 3. Use of font style these are: 1) straight font style, 2) rounded font style, 2. persuasion tactics. found that:  Persuasion tactics by cost-effectiveness reasoning found 46 times. As for persuasion tactics in the emotional field. Found the tactics of 3 aspects.1. Persuasion by conveying that the product helps to whiten the skin easily found 24 times 2. Persuasion by conveying that the product is beneficial to the body found 17 times 3. Persuasion by the media that the product It is reliable and has international standards found 26 times.

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