Enabling Factors Affecting Productivity of The Performance of Supporting Staff in Autonomous Universities

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Pafun Nuhung
Mattana Wangthanomsak


This Article aimed to study 1) to determine the factors affecting the performance productivity of supporting staff in autonomous universities, and 2) verify the factors affecting the performance productivity of supporting staff in autonomous universities. The samples were 24 autonomous universities. The sample size was determined based on Krejcie and Morgan Simple Size Table. A sampling method was simple random sampling technique. There were 15 respondents from each university, with the total of 360 respondents. The research instruments were the semi-structured interview, the opinionnaire, and the questionnaire of verify the research findings. The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, exploratory factor analysis, and content analysis. The findings of this study were as follows:           1.Enabling factors affecting productivity of the performance of supporting staff autonomous universities of 5 factors: 1) Organizing work systems 2) Creating motivation to work 3) Having good governance 4) Teamwork and 5) Promoting and developing personnel. The total variance explained by five components is 50.958 percent. 2.The results of confirmation of Enabling factors affecting productivity of the performance of supporting staff autonomous universities were verified to meet with accuracy standards, propriety standards, feasibility standards, and utility standards.

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