A Concept of Distributive Justice in the View of Theravada Buddhist Philosophy

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Phramaha Wichian Sudhiro


This research article has three objectives: 1) to study the concept of distributive justice of liberalism and socialism, 2) to study the concept of distributive justice in the view of Theravada Buddhist philosophy, and 3) to critically analyze the concept of distributive justice in the view of Theravada Buddhist philosophy. This research employed the qualitative research methodology done by critically studying documents, texts and related research works. From the study of the objective, it considerably showed that most of the idea on the just distribution of resources endorsed by Theravada Buddhist philosophy share the sameness with liberalism more than socialism. However, there are some ideas held by Theravada Buddhist philosophy vary from both, liberalism and socialism, to wit, Theravada Buddhist philosophy lays great emphasis on the freedom the state grants to the citizen in working for living life in accordance with their ability and righteous ways of doing which are somehow accorded with liberalism but becoming the weak point to socialism. In the same way, Theravada Buddhist philosophy significantly focusses on that thing where the basic requisites of citizen will be guaranteed while facing with poorness till meeting self-reliance and this is similar to what is supported by socialism but becoming the weak point to liberalism. Therefore, according to Theravada Buddhist philosophical viewpoint, the idea on the just distribution of resources should become the alternative way considered as the better than socialist and liberalist ideas due to providing the fairness to all concerned where sustainable development could be actualized accordingly.

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