A Comparative Study of the Missionary Roles of Missionaries in Buddhism and Missionaries in Christianity

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Phrapalad Suwichai Khantiratananilo
Khongsari Pangthrap
Krit Sriya-ad


This article has objectives: 1) to study of missionary roles of missionaries in Buddhism, 2) to study of missionary roles of missionaries in Christianity, and 3) to compare of missionary roles of missionaries in Buddhism and Christianity. This research is a qualitative study by studying and collecting information from the Tripitaka, Bible, and related research. The results of the study found that Missionary missionaries are those who carry the principles of Buddhism and spread them to the general public. They must have good character, morality and must behave as a good example for society. The main goal is to create a peaceful society and leading others to escape suffering. A messenger is someone who announces God's plan to save mankind from various dangers. Must have good behavior and conduct oneself in accordance with the Ten Commandments with the main goal It is to proclaim the holiness, love, and truth of Christ. Compare the missionary role of missionaries in Buddhism and missionaries in Christianity. It can be summarized as follows: 1) Consistent issues: Missionary and messenger. They are mission personnel who aim to spread religious principles to society and put into practice the personnel must have a personality worthy of respect and respect. 2) Different issues: That missionary aiming at propagating the principles of Buddhism with the goal of making people free from suffering and attain nirvana, as for the Apostles, they aim to proclaim the principles of Christ and social work with the goal of eternal life in God's embrace.

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