Pana and the Enlightenment in Theravada Buddhism
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This article has objective to show the relationship between Pana and the Enlightenment in Theravada Buddhism. This article employed the documentary research methodology. In the research, it was found that the relationship between Pana and the Enlightenment that appears in the sense that breath is the mean and the cessation of suffering is the end through the view that breath and the cessation of suffering are related in terms of nature, which is a universal law. In terms of looking at the creation of suffering and the cessation of suffering come from the creation of different conditions. If you use breath as a tool, you will find that the birth of suffering comes from not considering the breath that goes in and out as related to birth and death. That is, breathing in is birth and breathing out is death. But if you consciously consider it in time, you will be able to understand this principle. while the practical relationship It is a practice of breathing in order to create mindfulness in awareness of breathing in and out, which is a method of extinguishing physical suffering. And to extinguish the emotion is anger that comes from the base of emotions that have been accumulated in the past.
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