Religious Therapy: The Interpretation of the Metidation to Mind’s Cure in Theravada Buddhism
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This article has objective to show the Interpretation of the Metidation to Mind’s Cure in Theravada Buddhism. This article employed the documentary research methodology. In the research, it was found that religious therapy in Theravada Buddhism is the use of meditation that involves healing the mind. Although, life is a holistic, it is not separated or divided from the nature around us. In the case, a care of the mind therefore brings the principles that connect the body and the mind. In the fact, humans have physical diseases is not something that should be given priority. In the other hand, the mind in this respect will be found to make the body able to tolerate suffering at the same time. and the Buddha's status as a doctor the practice of Buddhism is seen primarily as the development of healing for the world. There is a word called Sapphalokatikijchako, it means healer who is the one who heals all the people of the world and he heals disease and heals the world at the same time.
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