Integrating the Principles of Public Mind for Social Development in Buddhism and Christianity: A Case Study in Vientiane Capital Region of Lao People's Democratic Republic
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This research has 1) to study the principles of Public Mind for social development in Buddhism in Vientiane capital region 2) to study the principles of Public Mind for social development in Christianity in Vientiane capital region and 3) to integrating the principles of Public Mind for social development in Buddhism and Christianity in Vientiane capital region of Lao People's Democratic Republic. The research is a qualitative study by studying and collecting information from the Tipitaka, bible, related research and interviewing Buddhist communities and Christian communities. The results of study were found that: The principles of Public Mind for social development in Buddhism in Vientiane capital Region of Lao People's Democratic Republic emphasizes 3 main benefits: benefits for oneself, others and occurs both to oneself and others, at the same time these benefits will occur in the present and the future, and finally, in the end of suffering, that is to say, attaining the Noble Path (Ariya Magga) and the Noble fruit (Ariya Phala) Therefore, the principles of public mind for social development in Christianity in Vientiane capital region of Lao People's Democratic Republic makes ones have hope, salvation, and the remission of sins, became the perfected persons and be ready to ascend to live with God in His eternal Kingdom. The integration of the principles of public mind according to Buddhism and Christianity to develop society in Vientiane Capital Region of Lao People's Democratic Republic has 3 types of knowledge: 1. Well-being for oneself means adhering firmly to one's own religious principles, by putting into practice in accordance with the cultural traditions of the Lao people and having mind leading body. 2. A happy society means having the principle of love and kindness to others regardless of social status and caste, and bringing benefits to society. 3. A Developed nation means doing all activities to build benefits and happiness for Lao society and can strengthen the relationships of individuals and various organizations in Laos to build love, unity for the prosperity of the Lao People's Democratic Republic.
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