Model for Development of the Quality of Life according to the Principles of Love in Theravada Buddhism and the Principles of Love in Roman Catholic Christianity: A Case Study of Lom Sak District, Phetchabun Province

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Phramaha Manakamon Kittiyano (Deemeehan)


This research has 3 objectives: 1) to study the principle of love in Theravada Buddhism 2) to study the principles of love in Roman Catholic Christianity, and 3) to study a Model for developing quality of life according to the principle of love in Buddhism Theravada and the principles of love in Roman Catholic Christianity: A Case study of Lom Sak District, Phetchabun Province. The method of qualitative research has been used in this study. The results of the study found that Buddhism has teachings on love which are 1) (Sāneha) Love that comes from lust, 2) (Pema) Ungodly love that is neutral love, 3) (Metta) Good desire, 4) (Metta Appanya) Love without boundaries. Love in Roman Catholicism means love of God.  It refers to the love that humans have for God and the love that God has for humans. It is divided into 4 types: 1) (Phileas) It is simple love, 2) (Storge) It is love of relatives. 3) (Eros) It is love that needs to be obtained and 4) (Agape) Love at the highest level, love given to each other Don't think about yourself. A model for developing the quality of life according to the principles of love in Theravada Buddhism and the principles of love in Roman Catholicism: A case study of Lom Sak District. Phetchabun Province Apply the principle of love to improve the quality of life of people. Individuals and society found that 1) The principle of love can help develop the mind, thoughts, help improve behavior and control one's emotions for the better. 2) The principle of love can help Build Happiness for others and create love in the family. 3) The principle of love can Helps alleviate conflicts. Help create justice can give to society. Therefore, the Buddha and the Buddha Jesus Christ taught the principle of love as a guideline in two ways: 1) To solve the problems that man faced. 2) To build up Create peace for oneself, others, and society. Therefore, emphasis is placed on people having love. Good wishes for each other and the environment so that we can live together without having to harm each other.

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