Comparison of LGBTIQ in Theravada Buddhism and the Roman Catholic Christianity

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Ratanakorn Satta-ariyasub
Naddhira Sridee


This research has the following objectives: 1) to study alternative sexualities 2) to study alternative sexualities related to Theravada Buddhism and Roman Catholic Christianity and 3) to analyze and compare alternative sexualities in Theravada Buddhism and the Roman Catholic Christianity. This research is qualitative research, studying documents, related research, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions. The data is analyzed and presented in a descriptive analytical format. The research result found that alternative gender is a group of people who have a gender identity that is different from the general population. The category of alternative gender includes Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, and Queer. In terms of the status and role of the alternative genders, the value of a human being does not depend on gender, race, religion or class, but it lies in the ability of a person to see their own value, to be useful to society and to be accepted by society. Theravada Buddhism holds that everyone has the freedom to practice Buddhism, but Buddhist monks must strictly follow the Dharma and discipline. Therefore, Paṇḍaka cannot be ordained. Roman Catholicism views everyone as a person of God. Everyone is therefore free to practice Catholicism. There is simply no way to bless same-sex marriages. In addition, gender reassignment surgery is not allowed. The knowledge is that alternative genders have rights and freedom to live their lives. But it must be within the framework of the traditions and culture of each religion. The difference in the ultimate goal of the two religions is that Buddhism aims to abandon suffering, to develop wisdom to reach the Dharma, while Roman Catholicism's ultimate goal is to enter the land of God. If it goes against God's intention, it may be an obstacle.

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