Buddhist Principles for Learning Development in Automotive Mechanics Program for Students in Vocational Certificate 3 Of Buayai Technical College

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PhrakruSuwanThammanuwat Mahaveero (Wongkat)
Phramaha Somboon Suthammo
Chaval Siriwat


This article has a purpose to 1) Study regular aspect for integration of Buddhist principles for learning development in automotive mechanics program for students in vocational certificate 3, 2) Integrate Buddhist principles for learning development in automotive mechanics program for students in vocational certificate 3 and 3) Present integration of Buddhist principles for learning development in automotive mechanics program for students in vocational certificate 3 of Buayai Technical College. This research applies qualitative research method as a research tool. The researcher provided important information by conducting in-depth interviews with 7 people using purposive sampling. The research tools included in-depth interviews. The statistics used in the research are the Triangulation technique: confirmation of three triangles. The results of study found that: 1. Learning development in automotive mechanics program for students in vocational certificate 3 is consisted of Creative thinking, Responsibility and Learning skills. 2. The result from integrating Buddhist principles are consisted of:  1) Yonisomanasikara method result to proper thinking, logical thinking and be able thinking 2) The threefold training method result to be prepared, conscious and useful 3) The Iddhipada 4 result to pursuit for perceiving, learning, thinking and meditating 3. Knowledge from the research is BR Model consisted of B = Be Creative which is proper thinking, logical thinking and be able thinking, R = Responsibility which is be prepared, conscious and useful and L = Learning Skills which is pursuit for perceiving, learning, thinking and meditating.

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