The Development of a Community-Based Health Promotion Model for the Elderly towards Enhancing Well-Being through Local Lifestyles
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The objectives of this research are to 1) investigate health problems and needs among the elderly, 2) examine the current situation of elderly health promotion within the community, 3) develop a community-based health promotion model for the elderly, and 4) evaluate the developed model. The study population includes elderly individuals in San Pa Tong District, with a sample size of 392 selected using Taro Yamane's sampling method. Research tools consist of a questionnaire, the Basic Geriatric Screening (BGS) tool, the AIC process, and a community-based health promotion model assessment form. The findings indicate that a community-based health promotion model for the elderly should emphasize coordination between elderly individuals, their families, local organizations, and external agencies. The model aligns with the Six Building Blocks Plus framework, which highlights six critical factors (Six Building Blocks) and an additional two factors (Plus), for a total of eight dimensions. These dimensions include: 1) health service delivery, 2) health workforce, 3) health information systems, 4) essential medicine access, 5) financing and budgeting, 6) leadership and governance per the Six Building Blocks framework, supplemented by 7) social support systems, and 8) environmental adaptability for the elderly. The evaluation of the community-based health promotion model found that the highest ratings by assessors were for model suitability to the community context (mean score 4.20), clarity and ease of understanding (mean score 4.23), and clarity and effectiveness of the monitoring and evaluation system (mean score 4.31).
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