Book Review "Patirupadesa 4"

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PhraathikanRathanathorn Nathathammo (Tappavon)
Sirirote Namsena


The book review “Patirupadesa 4: fixed formula for temple management”  was found that fixed Formula for temple management  by using Patirupadesa 4  which is divided into 6 parts of the book as follows: 1) Patirupadesa 4: fixed formula for temple management; 2) What is Patirupadesa 4?; 3) How is Avasa-Sappaya?; 4) How is Bhojana-Sappaya?; 5) How is Puggala-Sappaya?; 6) How is Dhamma- Sappaya? It also provides many important Dhamma thoughts that can be applied in daily life to help those who are interested in applying Patirupadesa 4: fixed Formula for temple management to instill more morality for Buddhists in order to enter the temple more and exemplary sermon presentation in Sappaya of living in the proper place of Phrabhavanaviriyakun (Phadet Dattajivo) that can be applied in the temple management in the daily life of the abbot.

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How to Cite
tappavon, ratthanathorn, & Namsena, S. . (2022). Book Review "Patirupadesa 4". The Journal of Research and Academics, 5(4), 325–340.
Book Review


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