The Constitution of the People and Pushes on Popularist Model Supported for Grass Root-Classed Citizens in Thai Society

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ยุทธศาสตร์ หน่อแก้ว


The1997's constitution of Thailand was called " The Constitution of the people" originated from the demand of political reform after "The Black May". The context of various surrounding condition which happen before and after the declaration of this constitution such as social gaps, economic conditions, the instability of government administration, political crisis with many coups, differences in citizen's education etc. These factors directly affect every classes in Thailand society that was already in inequitable as it is. "Tom-yam-kung crisis" which devastated Thailand economic also play a part in the turmoil in the fringe before the official declaration of people's constitution. The certain occurrences displayed the desperation of every individuals within Thai society.

The Constitution of the people was officially declared in the period of 1997's Tom-yam-kung Crisis and help “ThaiRakThai party” pushed their own populism through "Edible Democracy" slogan. This populism policy helped tremendously increase people's support for “ThairakThai” with the exchange of government aids and the support of grass root class for the party's political stand. This was the opportunity that guaranteed the second terms election of Thairakthai Political Party and created the phenomenon called “parliamentary dictatorship”. The attempt to relief the damages from the time of thairakthai regime was in conform with the realistic approach to populism policy in Thai society. The occurrence analysis could be separated into 5 points, 1) the political crisis which affect the government administration that leads to “black may” political reform 2) The affect of economic crisis in fringe of the declaration of the constitution because of the failure of governance that affects the sustainability of economic that leads to the acceptance of populism policy in grass roots citizens. 3) The transferring of political power through the mechanism of the constitution created "authoritarian parliament" fuels the discontent between the parties without bargaining power in politics and governance. 4) The raised of people's support from practical policy is the reduction of influence of local politicians (as election campaigners in the past) then establish the voting base by the practical policy of the party as a replacement. 5) The different viewpoints of democracy in Thai society. The middle class will vote on the economic development policy but the grassroots will vote for the government that could directly help their citizens.

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How to Cite
หน่อแก้ว ย. (2019). The Constitution of the People and Pushes on Popularist Model Supported for Grass Root-Classed Citizens in Thai Society. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 4(1), 57–92. Retrieved from
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