The Implementation of Pracharath Policies into Action: A Case Study of Pracharath Rak Samakkee Chachoengsao (Social Enterprise) Co., Ltd.

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ชฎาพร หล่อประโคน


The research has been conducted the objectives to determine the process of implementing the policies into action, conditions affecting the success including problems in implementing Pracharath policies into action: a case study of Pracharath Rak Samakkee Chachoengsao (Social Enterprise) Co., Ltd. Research studied date in a qualitative methodology with two types of research approaches including documentary method research and qualitative research through in-depth interview.

In the process of implementing Pracharath policies into action, it was found out that the Committee for Coordinating and Driving Pracharath Policies in Chachoengsao Province (CCP) and the Committee for the Driving of Grassroots Economic and Social Enterprise (E3) had mutually established Pracharath Rak Samakkee Chachoengsao (Social Enterprise) Co., Ltd. with the board of directors of Pracharath Rak Samakkee Chachoengsao (Social Enterprise) Co., Ltd. as the main agency in implementing the policies into action.

The conditions that affect to the success of implementing Pracharath policies into action were as follows: 1) The Pracharath policies were very clear due to the issue of manuals called Pracharath Rak Samakkee. 2) There was the policy support by integrating the operations with many sectors. 3) There were still limitations in the organizational competency due to policy advocates had many duties in several groups. 4) There was a lack of motivation for work. 5) There were still budget limitations in resource allocation. 6) Participation of people in the community were not strong enough compared with the operations of the company. In addition, the problems in implementing Pracharath policies into action were found in terms of officials/the board of directors, entrepreneurs and budget matters.

In order to improve the operations, the government should create awareness and understanding of goals and operational procedures to be clearly acknowledged and ready for implementation by executors. Also, there should be guidelines for improving agility of the company's operations as well as decreasing the supervision from the government due to agility in management is the intention of establishing the company.

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How to Cite
หล่อประโคน ช. (2020). The Implementation of Pracharath Policies into Action: A Case Study of Pracharath Rak Samakkee Chachoengsao (Social Enterprise) Co., Ltd. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 4(2), 161–183. Retrieved from
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