Law Enforcement and a Guideline for the Archaeological Site Administration of WiangChiangSaen Municipality, ChiangSaen District, Chiangrai Province.

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พิทักษ์ ศศิสุวรรณ
Surapee Pothisaratch
Yingsak Pechnil


     The purpose of this research is investigation of Law Enforcement Guideline in the archaeological site administration of Wiang  Chiangsaen Municipality, ChiangSaen District, Chiangrai Province.

     This study is a qualitative research which get from document data  and  interview of the people and identifiable official in Wiang Chiangsane district. To Make a data which find out a proper policy that working to solve their problem.The result shows that the authority in archaeological site administration belongs to the Fine Arts Department follow the Ancient Monuments, Antiques, Objectives of Artland National Museum Act, B.E 2504. They did not give a full of authority which is the power for taking care of the area such as Any activity on the archaeological site to Wiang Chiangsaen Municipality. Wiang Chiangsaen Municipality needs to request permission for using the area from the Fine Arts Department.A belatedness to make the project which produce an income. This is a reason why they can not make a budget from this income to do the further management in their area.

     Wiang Chiangsaen Municipality could have any principle as follow. First, Making a guideline and principle for co-operation between local organizations with the Fine Arts Department. This guideline could explain about the rule for doing activity on archeological site in WiangChiangSaen Municipality area which can be identified as a memorandum of cooperation between agencies. Second, The Fine Arts Department should prepare a preliminary guideline for WiangChiangSaen Municipality. The guideline could be identify the maintenance of historic sites and create the Rules for a heritage protection,cultural assets. Nevertheless, the guideline should include a procedures and methods of  legal process.   And third , Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, which is considered in “leader” of the academic in this area. They should be an agency who come to educate the local organizations. they can coordinate with the Fine Arts Department to support an expert consultant to Wiang ChiangSaen Municipality.

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How to Cite
ศศิสุวรรณ พ., Pothisaratch, S., & Pechnil, Y. (2020). Law Enforcement and a Guideline for the Archaeological Site Administration of WiangChiangSaen Municipality, ChiangSaen District, Chiangrai Province. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 4(2), 207–227. Retrieved from
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