The Development of Talent Management Strategy for Private Sector Organization in Thailand: an Application of Research Synthesis and User Experience Research.

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พงษ์สฤษฎิ์ รอดเรืองเดช


            This research Have a purpose To analyze talent management strategies, the secondary objectives are to synthesize research on talent management. With to study talent management strategies from user experience in private organizations For creating talent management strategies and to assess talent management strategies for private sector organizations in Thailand. Define populations and informants, including dissertation and dissertation. About talent management for private organizations in Thailand Published during the year 2010 - 2018, 17 subjects: Non-governmental organization executives in Thailand and / or consultants with expertise in human resources, totaling 9 people and academics with knowledge of talent management, including 5 people with research tools. Consists of research papers Semi-structured interview Group chat Data analysis The research was synthesized individually with content analysis techniques, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

The results of the study were as follows: 1) Talent management strategy analysis from the synthesis of research on talent management, gained knowledge of 4 subjects and the study of talent management strategies from user experience in Private organization in Thailand Be able to explain five processes of talent management. 2) Developing talent management strategies for private organizations in Thailand. By integrating the conceptual framework of system theory 3) Talent management strategy for private organizations in Thailand. Overall at the highest level Which is considered to have a high level of value This strategy can be applied.

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How to Cite
รอดเรืองเดช พ. (2021). The Development of Talent Management Strategy for Private Sector Organization in Thailand: an Application of Research Synthesis and User Experience Research. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 5(1), 173–194. Retrieved from
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