Quality of Working Life of Employees leading to Organizational Commitment : Existing Relationship in Workers’ Contexts

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เอื้อมเดือน แก้วสว่าง
Pensri Chirinung
Somboon Sirisunhirun
Udomvit Chaisakunked


The objectives of this academic article are to review the quality of working life and organizational commitment concept and indicates the way quality of working life leads to a substantive organizational commitment. To emphasize, the organizational commitment or a relationship between organizations and employees becomes one of the aspects that has been receiving attention from executives and scholars because they realize it is an important factor that brings about organizational success. This paper also proposes the quality of working life concept and theory, for example, Maslow's hierarchy of needs and ERG Theory. It also includes the viewpoint in feelings that employees have toward their organization and suggestion in several case studies and researches from many domestic and international organizations, which show that the idea of the quality of working life leading to organizational engagement is concrete. Besides, to have a good quality of working life, the quality of working life should conform and respond to employee needs. Therefore, the administrator should create the quality of working life management system and keep observing, evaluating, and constantly following up the system to acquire relevant information that can develop and improve policies for realistic quality of working life management planning, which can affect morale and motivation in employees to be bounded with their organization.

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แก้วสว่าง เ., Chirinung, P., Sirisunhirun, S., & Chaisakunked, U. (2021). Quality of Working Life of Employees leading to Organizational Commitment : Existing Relationship in Workers’ Contexts. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 5(2), 83–99. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/lawcrru/article/view/246931
Academic Articles


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