Business Organization and Parking for Disabled People : Case Study of Department Stores in Mueang Phayao District, Phayao Province

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พิษณุ เจนดง


            The purpose of this article is to study the laws and regulations on business organizations and the provisions of disabled parking in the case study of the department stores in the Mueang District, Phayao Province. According to the regulations, business organizations must provide disabled parking with the prescribed proportion for the disabled persons. Therefore, this research explores the legal rules and measures to protect the disability’s rights when they are not able to enjoy their rights of parking. Therefore, this research explores the legal rules and measures to enforce the laws when disabled people could not enjoy their rights of parking.

            Data and information used in this article were collected from the interviews of department stores in Mueang District, Phayao Province. The collected data and information were used for the analysis of the legal compliance of the business organizations and the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy. This article also studied legal principles contained in the Americans with Disabilities Act and the State of Maryland’s code of disabled parking placard as the grounds for the amendment of Thai laws.

             The study showed that although the department stores in the Mueang District, Phayao Province had followed the regulations by providing reserved parking for people with disabilities, there were no prescribed duties for disabled laws compliance. Moreover, the Corporate Social Responsibility did not have enforcement on business organizations to comply with the regulations regarding the provisions of disabled parking. Therefore, adoption of foreign legal principles about the reserved parking for people with disabilities is needed for Thai law improvements to keep the law up-to-date and to fully protect the disable’s rights.

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How to Cite
เจนดง พ. (2021). Business Organization and Parking for Disabled People : Case Study of Department Stores in Mueang Phayao District, Phayao Province. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 5(2), 217–237. Retrieved from
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